Santa Clara County

Operation Access (OA) served our first Santa Clara County patients on March 21, 2015. Through our partnership with local physicians, hospitals and medical centers, people in need with limited resources received vital surgical and specialty care free of charge. Despite the Affordable Care Act, those who remain uninsured continue to depend on community programs when they are ill or injured. Our volunteers and supporters share our belief that the entire community is well served when those most vulnerable receive care.
 OA accepts referrals from community health centers including:
Cresent Medical Center
Foothill Community Health Center

Gardner Health Services 
MayView Community Health Center 
Peninsula Healthcare Connection
Rota Care 
Stanford Medicine 
School Health Clinics 

Partner Hospitals and Ambulatory Care Centers:
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center 
San Jose
Palo Alto Medical Foundation Ambulatory Surgery Center 
Los Altos, Mountain View, Palo Alto, San Jose
Peninsula Eye Surgery Center
Waverley Surgery Center
Tools for community health centers:
Clinic Resources Guide

For information on the scope of outpatient services provided through OA and guidelines, please view our Procedures List* and our Referral Guidelines Snapshot.
*Procedures List is not a comprehensive list of services provided
Please click here for the referral form.

Staff Contacts:
Kealey Clemens - Program Manager
p: (415) 733-0055
f:  (415) 733-0019
Dennise D. Garcia Leon- Program Coordinator
p: (415) 733-0085
f:  (415) 733-0019